December 9, 2008

66. Some comments from parents about the mentoring journey

Receiving written feedback from parents has been a major challenge and we have not succeeded in this area at all. Parents were sent a 'Parent Exit Survey', which was relatively straightforward to complete. A stamped addressed envelope was included.

Some parents verbally commented on how much their child had benefitted from having a mentor.

Some of the mentees came from homes that were clearly not functioning too well. Although all mentees had to have written parents' permission to participate in the program, that was about as much as the parents were involved in the program.

“[My son] has benefited enormously. He has a more positive attitude to his schooling career and is generally more focused. He has chosen appropriate decisions when interacting with his peers. I think it’s a very valuable program and instills confidence, self-pride and power to achieve. EXCELLENT.”

“Has helped [my daughter] become work oriented, self-confident, self-motivated. The program has also given my daughter an independent view of the workplace.”

“Good, wise influence. The caring influence being added to [my son’s] growing up was priceless. Thanks for your efforts.”

“My daughter seems very confident and can control situations in her life a lot better.”

“[My son] was having some problems dealing with boys that were taunting/stirring him up. [His mentor] was able to provide an adult male perspective and help him through it. Many other things too. [My son] enjoyed the opportunity to discuss things confidentially with an adult male he trusted – would have liked it to go longer.”

1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Funding cuts are having an impact in many places. I think the career focus is a good one, but without the long-term connections, the impact of mentoring will be lessened.

It's also probable that the kids who need the most help may not participate.

Good luck to you.