June 20, 2008

48. First Program early evaluation results

The first pilot project of the GR8 MATES program comes to an end next week. This past week has been a time for reflection, completing Mentor Exit Surveys, Mentee Exit Surveys and the online Mentor Profiler and Student Performer. Although it's too early to make any conclusive statements, it is not too early to say that this first program has been a resounding success. Students who have completed the Student Performer online have shown growth in many areas. Early signs are showing that those students who have grown in self-confidence are beginning to make strides to reach their potential. As there has been more of a leaning towards school retention and the development of career pathways in this program, it is good to see how much more confident most students appear to be in these areas. I need to do a lot more work on the evaluations etc., but there is enough evidence to suggest that a school-based youth mentoring program like GR8 MATES can be life-changing for young people who have plenty of self-doubt and, perhaps, are beginning to disengage from school.

I am looking forward to seeing how the mentors have fared in the Mentor Profiler and hope that most of them will complete this during the forthcoming weekend.

The two other programs are becoming more settled. In one of the schools another mentee has left the school, so we are awaiting the paperwork from another student. Mentors involved in these processes are showing great patience and restraint, as it would be all too easy for them to walk away from the program. I keep all mentors informed of developments in the three programs via a weekly email note and the feedback about these tends to be positive. It's a small way of continually reminding them that they are valued.

On Tuesday night the next batch of mentors will complete their training. School holidays follows and then the matching process will begin in early August. I have had confirmation from the outgoing group of mentors that almost all want to continue in the program, if not in August then when we run another program in 2009.


Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Congratulations on your results and thank you for sharing this information. I've added some new maps and charts on http://tutormentor.blogspot.com and I encourage you to review these as you review the evaluations from your volunteers.

Does your mentoring program attempt to enlist your volunteers in learning about the issues your youth face, the challenges they have in growing up successfully, and the challenges your organization will have of sustaining your program and its connections to these kids for the next five, ten or more years?

As volunteers bond with kids they become potential advocates, leaders and donors to support your continued work, and their expanding role in the lives of these kids. While this may be happening randomly, I think organizations can do more to assure that this can happen, if it's part of their strategy.

Since you are so thoughtful in your approach, I'd be interested in seeing how you might be focusing on this.

Dan Bassill

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

Hi Robin, I posted your comment for you:

Thanks for the comments. The answer to your questions in the second paragraph is pretty much 'yes', through training, ongoing training, comments in emails and informal discussions with the mentors etc. We do not undertake to stay connected with the students beyond the formal
closure, though we encourage the mentors and mentees to stay in touch.

Some definitely will do so, not necessarily all. The present crop of mentors are great advocates and have already been involved with
recruiting. We have about 4 of our current pool of mentors volunteering to sit on our Steering Committee we are in the process of setting up to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program and are close to announcing another major partnership with a volunteer group that will assist our fundraising drive significantly - more on that later. I will also be sending out updated newsletters to all mentors, past and present on a regular basis and I will be planning a function at the end of the year for all the 2007 and 2008 mentors to keep them all informed,
involved etc.

As with everything, there is only so much I can do on my own and I
suspect that that is the problem with a lot of organisations. That's why we are developing this Steering Committee, hopefully moving to a position where individual committee members will have specific portfolios.